PyConWeb is a welcoming developer community that maintains a friendly and inspiring reputation. We’d like to keep it that way, which is why we ask all members, attendees, organizers and sponsors to follow this code of conduct (CoC).
If you have questions regarding this CoC, please contact any of PyConWeb organisers.
We trust that attendees will treat each other in a way that reflects the widely held view that diversity and friendliness are strengths of our community to be celebrated and fostered.
Furthermore, we believe attendees have a right to:
Professional events are a great setting to showcase the work of the community and would like to encourage networking and business related discussions, as well as keep the conference presentations meaningful and interesting for everyone.
We therefore:
Organizers will be happy to answer any questions related to marketing or recruiting activities.
If problems covered by this code of conduct arise, please contact one the organizers directly. Any complaint will remain confidential, be taken seriously, investigated, and dealt with appropriately.
The PyConWeb organizers reserve the right to carry out any of the following actions relating to a complaint: - Emails to this address will be received by the conference CoC work-group, which is in charge of CoC conflict management.
This document is based on the PyCon UK 2015 Code of Conduct and released under a creative commons license.
Follow on Twitter:
Organizers and volunteers
General questions:
Anton Caceres
Social media:
Dennise Cepeda Benavides
Conference content:
Hardy Erlinger
Social media:
Maria Dolores Emde
Attendee support:
Olga Kupriyanova
Track management:
Robert Wamala
Community relations:
Yaroslav Shepilov
Volunteer leader:
Yiyi Chen
Community relations:
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
Design: Andrew Melnikov, Ernesta Rupsyte
Fullstack Events e.V.
Otkerstr. 7 81547 München
Amtsgericht München Registergericht
Registernummer: VR 206934
Sitz des Vereins München
VAT-ID DE310494048